Paleo 101 Guide
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Paleo Baking Conversions – US to Metric Conversions

Louise | February 27
Paleo Baking Conversions - US to Metric Conversions

Paleo baking (and gluten-free baking) can be confusing already, and the fact that most of the Paleo cookbooks and blogs are written by Americans means that you have to spend a ton of time doing Paleo baking conversions for all your ingredients.

I still remember first learning that a cup was a standard measurement in America (it confused me to no end as a child growing up in the UK).

So, to help everyone who wants to try their hand at Paleo baking (or gluten-free baking), here’s a handy and comprehensive list of US to Metric conversions for Paleo, grain-free, and gluten-free baking.

I’ve also included a few ingredients that are typically not found in Paleo baking, but I thought it’d be useful to have the conversions for them anyway.

If I’ve missed any ingredient that you think should be on this baking conversions list that would help you convert US recipes, then please send me a message and let me know.

A Few Common Measurement Abbreviations

A Few Common Measurement Abbreviations
Teaspoon = tsp
Tablespoon = tbsp
Grams = g
Kilograms = kg
Milliliters = ml
Liters = l
Fluid Ounces = fl oz
Pounds = lb
Ounces = oz
Fahrenheit = °F
Celsius = °C

General Baking and Cooking Conversions – US to Metric

US To Metric Volume Conversions

US to Metric Volume Conversions A Few Common Measurement Abbreviations
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1 Tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 15 ml
1/8 cup = 2 Tablespoons = 1 fl oz = 30 ml
1/4 cup = 4 Tablespoons = 2 fl oz = 60 ml
1/3 cup = 5 Tablespoons = 2.7 fl oz = 80 ml
1/2 cup = 8 Tablespoons = 4 fl oz = 120 ml
2/3 cup = 10.5 Tablespoons = 5.3 fl oz = 160 ml
3/4 cup = 12 Tablespoons = 6 fl oz = 180 ml
1 cup = 16 Tablespoons = 8 fl oz = 240 ml
1 pint = 2 cups = 32 Tablespoons = 16 fl oz = 470 ml
1 quart = 4 cups = 64 Tablespoons = 32 fl oz = 950 ml
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 16 cups = 256 Tablespoons = 128 fl oz = 3.8 l

Please note that the imperial units (used in the UK) have an imperial teaspoon, Tablespoon, cup, pint, quart, and gallon measurement and that they are not the same as the US measurements by the same name.

US to Metric Weight Conversions

1 oz = 28 grams
16 oz = 1 lb. = 450 grams

Length Conversions

1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 foot = 30 cm

Oven Temperatures – Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversions

Oven Temperatures Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversions US to Metric Volume Conversions A Few Common Measurement Abbreviations
The general formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is: °C = (°F – 32) x 5/9

This provides the approximate oven temperature conversions:
200°F = 95°C
250°F = 120°C
300°F = 150°C
325°F = 160°C
350°F = 175°C
375°F = 190°C
400°F = 200°C
425°F = 220°C
450°F = 230°C

Weight of Common Paleo Baking Ingredients – US to Metric Conversions

Please pin this infographic show the Paleo baking conversions for some common ingredients.

Weight of Common Paleo Baking Ingredients US to Metric Conversions
Here are the Paleo baking conversions for some common ingredients I use. I’ve tried to be as accurate as possible, and where possible I’ve used the manufacturer’s measurements in case my own were inaccurate.

Almonds, Chopped

1 cup chopped almonds = 110 grams

Almond, Flour

1 cup almond flour/meal = 120 grams

Almonds, Sliced

1 cup sliced almonds = 70 grams

Almonds and other Nuts, Whole

1 cup whole almonds = 140 grams

Almond Butter

1 cup almond butter = 250 grams

Arrowroot Powder

1 Tablespoon arrowroot powder = 9 grams

Baking Soda or Powder

1 teaspoon baking soda or powder = 4 grams


1 cup blueberries = 190 grams

Cacao or Carob Powder

1 Tablespoon cacao or carob powder = 5 grams

Cacao nibs

1 teaspoon cacao nibs = 4 grams

Cauliflower Florets

1 cup cauliflower florets = 5 oz = 140 grams

Chia Seeds

1 cup chia seeds = 160 grams

Chocolate Chips

1 cup chocolate chips = 170 grams

Chocolate Chunks

1 cup chocolate chunks = 140 grams

Cinnamon Powder

1 Tablespoon cinnamon = 7 grams

Coconut, Flour

1 cup coconut flour = 112 grams

Coconut, Shredded

1 cup shredded coconut = 80 grams

Coconut Milk

1 cup coconut milk = 240 grams

Coconut Oil

1 Tablespoon coconut oil = 14 grams

Coconut Sugar

1 teaspoon coconut sugar = 4 grams

Garlic Powder

1 Tablespoon garlic powder = 10 grams

Gelatin Powder

1 Tablespoon gelatin = 7 grams


1 cup ghee or butter = 225 grams

Ginger, Fresh and Grated

1 Tablespoon fresh ginger = 5 grams

Green Onions, Scallions

1 cup scallions = 2.5 oz or 70 grams

Herbs, Dried

1 teaspoon dried herb = 1 gram

Herbs, Fresh

1 Tablespoon fresh herb = 2 grams


1 cup honey = 335 grams

Italian Seasoning

1 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning = 3 grams


1 cup molasses = 280 grams

Nuts, Chopped

1 cup chopped nuts = 110 grams

Onion Powder

1 Tablespoon onion powder = 7 grams

Pumpkin Seeds

1 cup pumpkin seeds = 130 grams


1 cup raisins = 4 oz = 115 grams

Sesame Seeds

1 cup sesame seeds = 150 grams

Sunflower Seeds

1 cup sunflower seeds = 140 grams


1 cup small strawberries = 125 grams

Table Salt

1 teaspoon table salt = 5 grams

Tapioca, Flour

1/4 cup tapioca flour = 30 grams

Images: Copyright (c) savanno, gekaskr, injenerker, Comugnero Silvana, jlcst, thanksforbuying from Fotolia

Annet - March 1

Thank-you as I’m new to Paleo and gluten free diet this conversion chart will come in handy

    Louise Hendon - March 1

    Thanks Annet 🙂

Lyn - March 4

One of your most enlightening posts yet. Loved it.

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