Paleo 101 Guide
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All Posts by Jeremy

Is This Healthy, Paleo Food Sabotaging Your Fat Loss?

Jeremy | November 19

You eat all (or mostly all) Paleo foods.

You feel much better, and you’re committed.

But you’re still not losing the fat you want to.

3 Reasons Nuts Can Be a Problem

Clearly, our ancestors ate nuts pretty much whenever they found them.

So nuts have a good starting point.  And yet, nuts can be dangerous in several ways:
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6 Reasons to Get More Ghee in Your Life

Jeremy | November 17

TO BE FAIR, there is no shortage of delicious oils with which to cook. From Coconut Oil to Duck Fat to Lard, the choices are all yummy, to say the least.

Why, then, would you ever venture out, particularly to a fat like Ghee, that many people have never cooked with in their lives?

Well, I’ve got 6 excellent reasons. First, though, just a bit about Ghee:

What the Heck is Ghee?

Ghee is nothing more than a class of clarified butter.

Clarified butter is made by heating butter to the point that the milk solids (mostly the proteins) and the water separate from the fats (which become the clarified butter).

Ghee is made around the world, but it’s particularly popular in south Asia (India and Pakistan most notably). Ask any Indian or Pakistani about ghee, and you’ll get an immediate nod of recognition.

With that in mind, here are 6 reasons to get more ghee in your life

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4 Quick Tips for Saving Money on a Paleo Diet

Jeremy | November 13

The hard part about saving money is that it really varies from person to person.

It depends on a lot on things like whether you have a family, where you live, what kinds of food you like to eat, and a million other things.

Still, there are a few tips that I have found to help almost everyone

4 Quick and Easy Tips to Save Money on Paleo Food

1. Focus on Veggies: Too often, we get so caught up on eating lots of delicious meat, that we forget vegetables are not only healthy but also relatively inexpensive.

Certain vegetables like asparagus will always cost more, but things like Swiss Chard, Zucchini, and Brussels Sprouts are both delicious and cost-effective.? Continue reading

7 Reasons to Eat More Salmon (with Recipes)

Jeremy | November 11

Behind shrimp and canned tuna, Salmon is the most consumed seafood in the United States . Around here, we know just how delicious a well-prepared piece of salmon can taste (or if you’re too lazy to cook your own salmon, you can buy ready-to-eat salmon snack packs). But, did you know that there are…

7 Big Ways That Salmon Can Improve Your Health

  1. High in Omega-3s.  Between 15-30% of the fats in Salmon are Omega-3 fats, which is higher than 99% of other foods.  Not only that, but almost all of the Omega-3 fats in Salmon are the good kinds (DHA and EPA) that your body can’t produce on its own. Continue reading

The Holiday Tango: 10 Essential Tactics for Eliminating Holiday Stress

Jeremy | November 10

I thought that, by quitting the job I didn’t like, I would dramatically decrease my chances of dying.

That’s not the actual reason why I quit that particular job, but it makes sense.  After all, there are numerous studies showing that chronic stress can increase your chances of dying of heart disease by 50% or more.

What I didn’t count on was that I’d often still be stressed while running my own business.  To be honest, I am less stressed now and greatly enjoy what I do, but we often look forward to certain things without properly preparing for the stress that they might bring.

Which brings me to the holidays…

Looking Forward to the Holidays

You’ve probably been looking forward to the holidays for quite some time.  And you should.  There are so many great things about the holidays.

Time off from work, time with family and friends, lots of great food, and a generally great time.  But if you want to make your holidays extra-special, then there’s something that you need to be prepared for…
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Are Beans Paleo?

Jeremy | November 8

Pinto, lima, garbanzo, pea, kidney, lentil…no doubt you recognize at least some of these popular names for people’s favorite legumes.

But exactly what is it about beans that manages to capture everyone’s attention? Many tout the protein and fiber content of legumes as a major benefit, not to mention the variety of tastes and options that beans provide. Since they’re so popular, should those following a Paleo lifestyle hop on the bean bandwagon?

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Paleo Success Story – Ursula Grobler

Jeremy | November 5

This is a guest post from Ursula Grobler, a world-class rower who has competed at the highest levels across the globe.

My story is different than many “typical” Paleo success stories, but my results have been no less life-changing.

Who I Am

I am a competitive rower working toward my dream of competing in the Olympics. Unlike many of the people I train with and compete against, I found rowing very late.

I was generally pretty active as a kid growing up in South Africa, but for about eight years before starting rowing, I hadn’t done very much physical activity at all.

In 2007, I was laid off from my job, and I moved to the Lake Stevens area in Seattle, Washington. While there, I started rowing for fun at the age of 23, which is pretty old in sporting years.
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How Going Gluten-Free Can Give You the Best Sex of Your Life

Jeremy | November 3


Do you know what that number is?

103 is the number of times that the average American has sex every year.

You’re trying to figure out how you measure up, right?

It doesn’t matter, though.  Not really.

We all want to have more sex, or at least better sex (when we’re being honest with ourselves).

Sex Starts with What You Eat

Forget all about Oysters and Wine.  Aphrodisiacs should be the least of your concern.  Food is much more important than that.
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Are Hemp Hearts Paleo?

Jeremy | November 1

When people hear the word “hemp,” the first thing that usually comes to their minds has something to do with smoke and a strong smell.

But don’t worry!

The hemp we’re talking about isn’t the marijuana plant but rather an innocent cousin of hemp and the seeds it produces hemp hearts, or shelled hemp seeds.

What to Know About Hemp Hearts

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Paleo Success Story – Adriaan

Jeremy | October 29

I am a Software Engineer/Developer by trade, but I am soon leaving this profession to embark on a new journey, adventure, and career as a Nutritionist.

But much more interesting than my career change is why I’m about to make this change and what led me here.

My Life Before Paleo

Just over a year ago, I was morbidly obese and in a really bad place.

Normal physical tasks were difficult for me, and I was rapidly accumulating various illnesses. Without exaggeration, I had very high blood pressure, a painful hernia, frequent migraines, chronic acne, gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), sleep apnea, and pretty severe depression.
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What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Jeremy | October 27

I don’t drink coffee.

Blasphemy, I know.

But I just don’t like it.  And I don’t really like caffeine either.  But I have tried coffee…

Why I Tried Bulletproof® Coffee

I was on a cruise, and Dave Asprey was there.  Awesome guy.

But when I heard I didn’t like coffee, he insisted that it was because I’d only tasted bad coffee before, which was probably true.  And he insisted that I try his brand of coffee.
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Is Monk Fruit Paleo?

Jeremy | October 25

If you’re anything like most people, you’ll read the title and think, “Oh, monk fruit. That’s great! …What’s a monk fruit?”

Monk fruit has been a hot topic in the Paleo community recently, as it may have potential as a new (and possibly Paleo!) sweetener. Monk fruit, also sometimes known as luo han guo, is a unique plant grown only in China. It got its name from the Buddhist Luo Han monks, who were some of the first to cultivate the fruit hundreds of years ago.

But with all of the toxic compounds and negative side effects associated with other artificial sweeteners, can monk fruit really be a part of the Paleo diet? Or is it just another Paleo no-go?
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How to Gain Weight on a Paleo Diet

Jeremy | October 20

If you’ve ever asked this question (or if you’re wondering right now), then you, my friend, are in a generally enviable position.

Unlike the rest of us, you probably have very little trouble losing weight, and of the 2, it’s almost always easier to gain weight than to lose it.

And doing while Paleo might be a little tougher than doing while eating a standard American diet, but it’s not impossible at all.

How to Gain Weight on a Paleo Diet

Putting on weight is really a matter of doing 3 things, whether you’re Paleo or not…
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Are Grits and Hominy Paleo?

Jeremy | October 17

The standard American diet’s favorite Southern sidekick, grits, and hominy, a popular ingredient in the Mexican soup, posole, are enjoyed by many.

But are they Paleo-friendly indulgences or not-so-Paleo?

Fun Facts About Grits and Hominy

Both hominy and grits are made from corn that has been dried and ground, with the germ and hull removed. First the corn is soaked in an alkali solution, then processed to crush and sift out the kernels.
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