Paleo 101 Guide
Boost Your Energy, Lose Weight, & Feel Better by Starting the Smart Way.

How to Make Paleo Bread Crumbs

Louise | May 11

Sometimes you just need bread crumbs for a recipe, and that can be tough when you’re trying to stick to a Paleo diet.

That was the case when I was making meatloaf. If you don’t use bread crumbs in this meatloaf recipe, it’d just be this dense chunk of meat (not very tasty!).

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Are Sprouts Paleo?

Jeremy | May 9

Sprouts can come from a variety of foods, including legumes, veggies, grains or nuts.  This can be confusing when questioning their Paleo-friendliness, as a “sprout” can basically come from anything that has a seed.

What You Should Know About Sprouts

Before you sprinkle those tasty salad toppers, carefully consider the source.

When grains are sprouted, the seed germinates and a chute comes out of the seed. This chute becomes the sprout that is cut off and consumed, as opposed to eating the seed (in contrast to whole grains and wheat flours that incorporate the seed proteins and starches into the milling process).

Once the seed is sprouted, the concentration of lectin (the substance that protect the plant but can be harmful to the body)  is decreased within several days time and in several weeks’, levels drop to almost none.
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Paleo Meatloaf Recipe with Paleo Bread Crumbs

Louise | May 8

This Paleo meatloaf was really delicious and super easy to make. It went perfectly with my Paleo ketchup (recipe here), and instead of the regular wheat-filled bread crumbs, I made a quick batch of my microwave Paleo bread (recipe here), crumbled it, and then toasted it to make some Paleo bread crumbs to go into the meatloaf mixture.

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Do You Need to Do CrossFit?

Jeremy | May 7

At the risk of being blunt…

Of course not.

There really isn’t anything you need to do (perhaps besides breathing, eating, and sleeping).

What’s Great About CrossFit

CrossFit, if you don’t know, is a particular brand of gym that employs very intense and varied workouts. It’s become hugely popular, with numerous gyms in major cities around the world. The CrossFit Games are shown on television and sponsored by Reebok.

Personally (and this is really a question of opinion), I think CrossFit is terrific.
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The Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef: Is it Really Better and Healthier?

Jeremy | May 5

Do you really need to eat grass-fed beef?  Is it actually healthier?  What if you can’t afford it?

In some ways, eating Grass-Fed Beef has become almost synonymous with being Paleo. Whenever someone hears that you’re Paleo, it’s often one of the first things that they tend to ask about.
It’s about time that we revisit some of the facts and myths surrounding grass-fed beef…

What Exactly Is Grass-Fed Beef?

Generally, grass-fed beef is what you think it is, but only in part. Almost every cow in the world eats grass for some of its life (after being weaned off of milk). But here’s the difference:
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2 Paleo Chinese Dinner Menus – Family Style Meals

Louise | May 1

If you’ve ever been to a Chinese restaurant, then you’ve probably come across the term “family-style.” It’s ordering a bunch of different dishes and then sharing them during the meal (without dividing the dishes before the meal begins).

For example, here’s a meal Jeremy and I shared with my aunt at a restaurant in Haikou, Hainan, China last month (it featured roasted duck, a duck soup, a white potato dish, and a green beans stir fry):

paleo chinese family style dinner meal in haikou hainan china

So, if you’d like to put together your own family style Chinese dinner at home, then you might like these 2 Paleo Chinese menus.
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What Are Custard Apples (aka the Buddha’s Head Fruit) and How Do You Eat Them?

Louise | April 27

I’ve been living in Asia for the past month, and I’m absolutely loving the huge variety of fruits and vegetables here. I keep discovering new ones every day. So, I thought I would start featuring a few of the ones that I’ve discovered.

I’m starting with Custard Apples (aka the Buddha’s Head Fruit) because they have such a weird name!

Despite their weird name, they’re actually pretty common in many warmish climates (although this trip was the first time I had come across them). According to the all-knowing internet, you can find custard apples in countries like Spain, Peru, Taiwan, Australia, China, and many more.

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Pineapple Mango Banana Sorbet Recipe

Louise | April 20

Summer is near for many of us in the Northern hemisphere! So, I wanted to share with you this really really easy Paleo sorbet recipe for cooling off. You don’t need an ice cream maker for this recipe – just a blender will do. And it takes just 5 minutes to make.
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Do you REALLY need to EAT? (A Guide to the Best Vitamins and Supplements)

Jeremy | April 16

Changing the way you eat is difficult. Lucky for you, then, that you can just take a multivitamin and never need to eat any actual foods, right?

It’s estimated that more than one-third of all Americans take a multi-vitamin on a regular basis.

Collectively, Americans spend over $3 billion per year on vitamins and other dietary supplements. This is a huge market, but most products are either unnecessary or ineffective or worse.

So obviously, you should avoid all supplements, right?

That’s an OK think to do I guess, but it’s not what I choose to do…

I Take Vitamins and Supplements.

There. I said it.

And I’m not even talking about any supplements I may have taken from time to time to treat a particular condition. (For instance, I’ve taken Adaptogens and Vitamin C when treating Adrenal Fatigue.)

Nope – I’m talking about taking supplements that aren’t treating any particular condition at all. It’s a conscious decision I’ve made, and it’s one that I support, based on a lot of research but also a lot practical experience, both myself and from observing others.

Doesn’t seem right on a Paleo Diet, does it? Since when did cave people have supplements, you ask?

But before I get to that, let’s get one thing straight.

I don’t know you, and I don’t know what’s best for you

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Paleo Mango Coconut Popsicle Recipe – Guest Post from

Louise | March 27

Alina Muresan is a RHN holistic nutritionist who specializes in family nutrition and health. Visit her website, to find great advice on your child’s nutrition and delicious recipes that are healthy and fast!

This fruity and delicious treat is great because it can be transformed – first starting as a smoothie and then using the leftovers to make a batch of popsicles! As a smoothie, Alina recommends serving with a frittata or scrambled eggs in the morning. As a popsicle, it can be a great snack or dessert for the whole family.

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