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All Posts by Jeremy

Is Panko Paleo?

Jeremy | September 16

One comment I often get from people who are just starting to clean up their diets is that they miss crunchy foods.

And it’s true.

When you cut out all chips, crackers, cookies, and other grain-driven foods, the only crunch you’re generally left with is raw veggies and some fruits.

The answer to today’s Is it Paleo is going to be pretty obvious, but it’s worth talking about because it’s easy to forget just how many foods are made from processed ingredients that wreak havoc on our bodies.

What is Panko?

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Is Cacao Butter Good for Cooking?

Jeremy | September 11

A reader recently asked me whether cacao butter is good for cooking.

I didn’t really know the answer off the top of my head, because I’d never actually thought about using cacao butter to cook.

I love cacao, but I guess I thought my food would taste funny.

Anyway, I decided to do a bit of research…
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Is There Any Benefit to Getting Genetic Tests for Things Like MTHFR?

Jeremy | September 4

I’ve long thought that genetic tests aren’t really all that useful.

I fully believe that the study of genetics, the research into genetics, and the technological advancements we’re beginning to see are amazing. But testing hasn’t seemed all that useful to me because – in general – it probably won’t change how you should live and eat, no matter what the results are.

The reason I’ve always believed that is because a healthy diet and lifestyle is generally healthy for everybody, regardless of genetics. It might be more important for some people than others, but really, we should all be eating real foods, sleeping enough, de-stressing, etc.
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What Should I Eat For Breakfast? Protein, Fats, or Carbs?

Jeremy | September 2

I actually wrote this article because readers ask me quite often whether they need to eat more protein, fats, or carbs for breakfast.

And I understand why this question is so popular. There are thousands of articles about breakfast, and most of them seem either contradictory or else they just repeat the same information over and over again.

I’ve got a few tips below, but here’s the thing you need to remember above all else.
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Does Portion Size Matter on a Paleo Diet?

Jeremy | August 28

This is going to blow your mind, but portion size matters, even if you’re eating a Paleo diet.

Mind. Blown.

However, it’s not usually something you need to think about.

For too long, many Paleo authors and bloggers have made it sound like it doesn’t matter at all how much a person eats. In an effort to rebut decades of brainwashing, we now often hear that calories don’t matter.

That’s ridiculous. It’s at least as ridiculous as (and maybe more than) saying that calories are all that matters.

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How Mount Fuji Taught Me to Love Sardines

Jeremy | August 26

I visited Japan for the first time in 2014, and one of the things I was blown away by was the food.

The sushi was way better than I even expected, and I generally ate tons of great food for cheaper than I expected.

But one of my favorite discoveries – and stick with me here – was sardines.

I know!! Who would have thought?

But in the town that is near Mount Fuji, they’re famous for their young sardines, also known as “Shirasu”. You can buy them fresh or dried (we went for fresh), and they’re absolutely delicious.

As it turns out, I’d spent my whole life being afraid that I’d hate this little fish, only to find out just how great they are.

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5 Reasons Broccoli is Better Than You Think

Jeremy | August 21

Growing up, there were few foods I disliked more than broccoli. (Collard greens was one of them – I just couldn’t stand the smell when I was a kid.)

Fast-forward a couple decades, and I want to put broccoli and collard greens in everything. My mom would be proud, except that she doesn’t actually like broccoli. Oh well.

Your own mom might have tried to feed broccoli to you as a kid, and it turns out that she had good reason to do so—broccoli is a true superfood. This famous green has been linked to a variety of positive health effects in nearly all of the body’s systems, from the circulatory and immune systems to mental health.

Just what sort of healthful benefits is broccoli packing in those green bunches?

Why is Broccoli Healthy?

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Is Diet Soda Paleo?

Jeremy | August 19

Want to cut back on calories?

Drink a diet soda.

Want to get away from sugar?

Drink a diet soda.

People have been debating over the health effects of the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas—sucralose, stevia, and aspartame—for quite a while now.

So should you use diet soda as a way to curb not-so-wholesome sugar cravings, or should you avoid diet soda forever?
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Should I Take Antibiotics?

Jeremy | August 12

As far as antibiotics go, we never specifically suggest that anybody not take antibiotics that they’re prescribed. It’s a personal decision, and more importantly, it’s a decision you definitely want to consult your doctor/dentist about to be aware of the risks if you decide not to take the antibiotics.
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Is Tuna Paleo?

Jeremy | August 7

Until 2013 (when Salmon surged ahead), tuna was the second most popular seafood consumed in the US. And it’s not only in the US that tuna is a favorite.

If you’ve ever been to a sushi restaurant, you’ve likely noticed that some of the most common cuts of sashimi are maguro and toro — in other words, types of tuna.

Fish is regularly touted as a very nutritious food, but it’s also common to hear warnings about certain seafood, including tuna.

So should you regularly consume tuna?
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Should I Exclusively Breastfeed My Infant?

Jeremy | July 31

For the most part, it’s fairly common knowledge that breast-feeding is a healthy thing to do for infants, unless there is a specific and situational reason not to or why it’s not possible.

However, apart from the notion that it’s the natural thing to do, or that it imparts relational benefits, it’s not common knowledge WHY it’s necessarily a good thing to do.

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3 Reasons This Seafood Is Your New Best Friend

Jeremy | July 24

Nori. Dulse. Gim.

Whatever you call it, seaweed is a nutritional powerhouse.

Although seaweed is eaten around the world, Japan is the country most commonly associated with seaweed consumption. In fact, recent research indicates that the average Japanese citizen’s gut bacteria is specifically adapted to be able to digest more seaweed than most other folks around the world.

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Is Paleo Good for Diabetics?

Jeremy | July 22

(Note: We are not doctors, and this is not medical advice. You should always consult your doctor or medical professional, particularly about illnesses as serious as Diabetes.)

For diabetes (type II), it’s a complicated disease, but at heart, it’s an inability of the body to properly process and use sugar. Regardless of the causes, once someone has type II diabetes, or even just severe insulin resistance, the body simply can’t process sugar very well. This can change over time, but it’s the first thing to address.

That’s why Louise and I believe that all Type II diabetics should be limiting sugars and starches much more so than people without these issues. That includes all processed grains, processed sugars, and legumes, obviously, but it also means limiting certain otherwise Paleo foods like tubers and fruits. Every one of those foods breaks down very quickly into sugar. Starch is no different than sugar once it reaches your intestines and is absorbed into your blood stream. Legumes have more protein than grains, but they’re still mostly starch.

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Is High Cholesterol Bad for Me?

Jeremy | July 21

Note: Please do not use this article to stop taking medication or as an excuse not to talk to your doctor. I don’t know you or your situation, and even if I did, I’m not a doctor and don’t pretend to treat illness. This is for your information only, to make more informed decisions.

I recently wrote a very long article about whether or not a Paleo diet will raise your cholesterol. If you have the time, please check it out and repin the infographic there.

And I will be coming out with another article shortly titled Cholesterol and Heart Disease: The Cholesterol Myth and What Really Causes Heart Disease.

However, if you want a simple answer to whether or not you should be worried about high cholesterol, then this is as simple as I can make it. There are no links to studies or in-depth explanations in this article – that’s all in the other 2 articles.

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Prebiotics Can Make You Happier and Less Stressed

Jeremy | July 17

If you’re not familiar with the term, prebiotics are the foods that feed the bacteria (and other microorganisms) in your gut.

Prebiotics can be in the forms of foods (mostly foods with fiber and resistant starch like fruits & veggies), or you can supplement with something like raw potato starch, which serves as a prebiotic. It’s important to note that we don’t just need one type of prebiotic. Because we have so many different types of bacteria in our bodies, we need different types of prebiotics to feed them.

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